We Are

AU·DA·CIOUS /ôˈdāSHəs/ n. A freshly minted cannabis company forging the cannabis community of tomorrow, today.

We believe cannabis has the power to change the world, but it will take work.

Behind our family of brands is a collaborative team of non-like-minded individuals who have all seen how the cannabis industry has gone wrong – and are now trying to do it ‘the right way.’  

Some things that are important to us

  • Empowering people to make their own informed decisions with a combination of educational resources and transparency about what is and is not in our products. 
  • Remembering that cannabis is medicine. With adult-use legalization gaining momentum, medical patients can get left behind. We vow to keep medicinal access top of mind. 
  • Recognizing that cannabis isn’t a cure-all. While it has benefited countless lives, there is still a lot to learn. That is why we are devoting resources to research that will further our understanding of the properties of the plant.
  • Honoring and uplifting the pioneers of this industry. (Because appropriation ain’t cool). 
  • Relying on cannabis activists, community leaders, and you to keep us honest. While our intentions may be good, we also know our perspectives are limited. Let us know when you think we’re doing the right thing. Or the wrong thing. It’d just be nice to hear from you. 


We advocate for the Pioneers, the Community and the Culture

We champion the business and benefits of cannabis 

We challenge convention: boldly, with confidence in our vision, and with boundless fortitude

We leverage the powerful combination of nature and science to amplify opportunity for everyone, everywhere

We focus on execution, quality and innovation to ignite, excite and delight our consumers

We lead with insight and integrity to raise awareness

We are enterprising

We are progressive